Hyper is a channel devoted to one artist’s animation work. By uploading his projects to YouTube, he is essentially making a public portfolio for anyone to view. It’s a brilliant way to share his...
How This Music Video Got 170 Million+ Views
YouTube is a good marketing platform for marketing for who have talent in a specific area, especially music. One such individual is Kehlani, who is a talented hip-hop music. Below are the reasons...
How This Music Producer Uses YouTube To Grow His Listening Base
Andrew Huang is a music producer and video editor on YouTube. His channel has about 350 videos, and several of his videos have around a million views. He just released the album LO-FI and has already...
What You Can Learn From This Strange Japanese YouTube Show
Begiragons is a channel from Japan featuring three lovable characters who come up with and execute strange game show concepts. The channel has almost 400 videos, each gaining about 100,000 views. The...
How To Be A YouTube Entrepreneur
For some content creators, YouTube is just a piece of the puzzle. It’s a way to share videos related to their blogs, books, or albums. For others it may be the other way around; the blog, book, and...
How This News Channel Earned More Than A Million Subscribers
YouTube has become a platform for many people to produce content that millions of viewers find interesting and creative. Traditional ways to produce content have become more specialized as YouTube...
How This YouTuber Broke 8 Million Subscribers
YouTuber Bunny Meyer, who is better known as grav3yardgirl, recently passed her longtime subscriber goal of eight million. Her channel was made popular by her honest product reviews and her...
How These Cover Artists Are Hooking YouTube’s Biggest Audience
YouTube and music go hand in hand. YouTube offers a free platform to share music, and it is a great way for a new musician to get a solid fan base. In order to take full advantage of the platform...
How This Rapper Played To His Strengths
Hip-hop has three important parts: lyricism, flow, and production (or beats). To be truly successful, all three of those parts need to be on point. However, in the era of infinite music and variety...
How DJ Khaled Earned 2 Million+ Vevo Subscribers
Social media has become the main path for aspiring artists to earn recognition for their talent and to gain a following. YouTube is one of the premier choices for many talented individuals to...