YouTuber Bunny Meyer, who is better known as grav3yardgirl, recently passed her longtime subscriber goal of eight million. Her channel was made popular by her honest product reviews and her...

How These Cover Artists Are Hooking YouTube’s Biggest Audience
YouTube and music go hand in hand. YouTube offers a free platform to share music, and it is a great way for a new musician to get a solid fan base. In order to take full advantage of the platform...

How This Rapper Played To His Strengths
Hip-hop has three important parts: lyricism, flow, and production (or beats). To be truly successful, all three of those parts need to be on point. However, in the era of infinite music and variety...

How DJ Khaled Earned 2 Million+ Vevo Subscribers
Social media has become the main path for aspiring artists to earn recognition for their talent and to gain a following. YouTube is one of the premier choices for many talented individuals to...

How Selena Gomez’s New Music Video Got 22 Million Views In 3 Days
Selena Gomez’s new music video for “Bad Liar” dropped on June 14. Just three days later, the video already had more than twenty-two million views on YouTube. Here’s what made...

How To Get The Most Out Of A Top Video Trend
From one hundred layers of nail polish to cutting things with a thousand degree knife, YouTube video trends come in all shapes and sizes. Creating a viral video trend might be a stroke of luck, but...

How Lana Del Rey Became A Music Superstar
Musical artists have often struggled with bringing attention to their work. One way they have been gaining listeners is through social media marketing. YouTube is a popular choice for musicians, such...

3 Benefits Of Playing Locally
Whether you’re playing in New York City or Telluride, Colorado, there’s bound to be a place to play music nearby. Setting roots in a local scene has a lot of benefits and is often the first step...

How This Artist Earned 400K+ Subscribers
Video sharing and social media have become an influential way for musicians to gain attention for their work. One such content creator is the music artist WoodKid. Below are the reasons why WoodKid...

What YouTube Red Means For Smaller Channels
YouTube Red is a somewhat new project by YouTube, sort of like an attempt to compete with Netflix. It’s a premium, paid service that removes ads and offers extra content produced by YouTube. It...