YouTube, for most artists, has become a medium to attract followers to their brands of music. It has been proven to be a successful format in reaching a more diverse fan base. One such artist who has...
How This Independent Artist Found Success With YouTube
Pogo is one of the longest standing musicians on YouTube. His history with the site shows how the relationship between YouTube and independent music has evolved. Here is why Pogo’s music was...
How This Disney Darling Became A Rising Pop Sensation
Disney is a major player in the entertainment industry, especially when it comes to manufacturing pop stars. However, from Miley Cyrus to Zendaya, each former Disney starlet has her own unique set of...
How Taylor Swift Became The Biggest Name In Music
You can’t turn on the radio without hearing Taylor Swift playing on at least one station. This country/pop princess has been dominating music charts since she was only sixteen years old. Here’s...
How This Music Video Got A Million Likes
Many artists have become popular due to successful YouTube marketing and promoting. Musicians, in particular, have uploaded their works to Youtube in order to gain a larger audience. One such...
The Importance Of Image In Music
Keeping a consistent image in music is essential. This becomes infinitely more difficult in the internet era, especially for a musician who might not uphold the same onstage beliefs in his or her...
How To Get Your Music Past A Curator
Whether submitting music to a record shop or sending it into an app like Pandora, the one person who decides the fate of the album or track is the curator. The curator’s job is to sift through...
How Daft Punk’s Music Video Broke 120 Million Views
Many major artists use YouTube to hit major milestones with their latest music videos. Artists who were popular even decades before YouTube was created have been utilizing this platform to upload and...
How This New Music Video Hit 30 Million Views
Musicians have increasingly turned to YouTube to promote their content and bring attention to their brands of music. It has become a popular platform for artists to reach a bigger listener base...
How Selena Gomez Became A Pop Icon
It would be hard to imagine the modern music scene without Selena Gomez. This Disney darling turned pop sensation has been slaying the charts since she was just a teenager. Here’s how Selena Gomez...