Instagram is one of the best ways to connect with online audiences. Even though Instagram is a mainly visual platform, bands should be taking advantage of its potential. Here are five tips for...

4 Ways To Make Money On YouTube
YouTube has provided users with an extraordinary platform to earn money. YouTubers, both young and old, are making millions of dollars through exceptional video content. For example, 8-year old Evan...

3 Ways To Get Influencers To Share Your YouTube Videos
Influencers can help kickstart a viral sharing trend for your YouTube videos. They successfully place your videos among target audiences beyond your reach. Thus, incorporate a premeditated strategy...

How Musicians Can Connect with Fans on Twitter
Twitter is one of the most powerful social media platforms. Musicians can and should use it to connect with current and potential fans. From likes to hashtags, here are just a few tips on how to make...

4 Ways Musicians Can Build a Local Network
Hollywood isn’t everyone’s backyard. However, every community has its own unique music scene. Here is how to stand out on the local stage. Join Community Theater Many musicians are actors as...

3 Fundamentals of Great Song Lyrics
One thing that many great songs have in common is that they touch on a central part of the human condition — maybe a ballad or a personal crisis. Sometimes ideas can come when you least expect...

4 Reasons Musicians Should Release Singles
Singles are wonderful tools for introducing artists to the music scene. Whether these songs are released through the radio, a music video on YouTube, or a Facebook page, they help start a fan base...

4 Ways to Promote Your Music Brand on Snapchat
Snapchat is one of the most unique and most used social media outlets out there. Transient pictures provide a great way for people to live in the moment and share highlights of their days. Musicians...

How To Get Sponsors For Your YouTube Channel
Sponsorship on YouTube is a lucrative source for revenue generation. However, sponsors will only advertise on your channel if you have a large audience base, similar target audience and intriguing...

4 Reasons Guitarists Should Use Drop D Tuning
You’ve probably heard of it before. In this type of guitar tuning, the lowest string is dropped down one whole step from E to D. So, you’re left with DADGBE. It was originally developed by blues...