Why Viewers Love Simon’s Cat

YouTube hosts many kinds of videos, and few of them are more popular than the ones that have a cute cat frolicking everywhere. Even video channels with few subscribers can expect anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of views based on cat videos alone.

The channel Simon’s Cat, created by Simon Tofield, is different in that it does star a cat, but it’s an animated cat, to be precise. It also boasts more than four million subscribers. How does this work?

1. The audience loves his animations.

Simon’s Cat primarily focuses on the animated antics of a cat, based on the actual behavior of the real-life Simon’s cat. His animation skills skillfully recreate the behavior of real-life cats to the point where cat owners often say that the animation reminds them of their own cat.

Simon manages to capitalize on one of the most common likes of the general audience (cute animals) and puts a unique spin on it to make his videos work.

2. Funny cat videos appeal to a wide audience.

Of course, it’s not just the animation that attracts viewers. The series is very whimsical, as it involves a cat acting up to get the attention of its hapless owner.

The animation creates an energetic tone as the cat is involved in funny antics, which charm many people (who often compare it to other cat series like Garfield).

3. Variety is key.

Even if a viewer simply enjoys cute cats, the channel offers videos that are more than simple animations. Other kinds of videos that can be viewed include tutorials on animation, behind-the-scenes videos, and even informative videos about real-life cat behaviors.

Simon’s Cat provides different kinds of material to hook the audience in, even after they enjoy the adorable cat animations.

Simon’s Cat is a popular YouTube channel that hosts a series of videos about a funny cat. Its combination of animated skill and whimsical humor makes it one of the most popular channels on the website. It’s definitely worth checking out, as it can appeal to everyone.

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Kevin Kwon is a recent graduate from UC Berkeley, currently 23 years old. He works in San Francisco, and hopes to continue in the graduate studies regarding the field of psychology.

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