Why Saturday Night Live’s Digital Shorts Are So Popular

Some of Saturday Night Live’s most iconic sketches have been released solely as digital shorts. “Digital Shorts” basically entail original content created and released online by those associated with Saturday Night Live. They are typically the same length and humor as a traditional SNL sketch but available only online.

YouTubers can learn a lot from the success of this series.  Here are a few tips.

1. Limit availability.

SNL’s Digital Shorts are available primarily online. Their existence and their limited accessibility effectively brings traffic to their YouTube channel. Limiting accessibility of new content to only online areas can help draw attention to it, as well as to your older content.

2. Work with what you have.

This series began with sub-par quality cameras and were edited mostly on personal computers. The creators of the shorts were uninhibited by their limited resources and found ways to create content anyways. Always work with what you have; everyone has to start somewhere.

3. Consider musical components.

Many of the series’ most popular shorts are comedic songs, although it’s rare when any of the people involved in them are actually musicians. Other shorts use popular music in comedic and inventive ways, like the short in which “Hello” by Adele is the only way to subdue family tensions or in “The Shooting,” where “Whatcha Say” by Jason Derulo repeatedly punctuates actions.

Don’t hesitate to use music in inventive ways when creating original videos.

SNL Digital Shorts effectively use online media and music to create original, funny content that leaves viewers wanting more (and thus, coming back to the channel).

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Jana is a Communication Studies major and French Studies minor at the University of San Francisco. She loves Mac DeMarco, Beyonce, and the ocean.

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