What You Need to Create a Recording Studio at Home

Crafting a home recording studio does not have to be difficult, expensive, or time-consuming. You can create quality recordings from home with the right hardware and software.

Here is everything that you’ll need to create your own recording studio at home.

1. A Computer

It sounds like a strange first component, but if you plan to record, mix, and essentially create your own musical tracks or voice recordings, a computer will be the “brain” of your operation.. Now, there is no definitive answer to the age-old Mac vs. PC debate when it comes to this, and the question becomes even more complicated when you move into laptop vs. desktop.

The key here is to understand that in order to get quality items, no matter which side you fall on, you will be spending a little more than you would for an average computer for everyday needs. The cost will be worth it when you are able to fully utilize your home studio.

2. A Microphone

In order to record your voice or instruments, you will need a microphone to capture the sound. Most laptop computers or computers with a webcam typically will come with a built-in microphone.

However, this microphone may not be tailored to your recording needs. There are different microphones that best capture different sounds, such as the difference between someone playing an acoustic guitar or singing.

3. Hardware and Software

If you have a computer, a microphone, and either a voice or an instrument, there are a few other pieces of hardware and software that you will need. DAW, or digital audio workstation, is the software that you will need on the computer in order to record, alter, store, and finalize your music. The audio interface is the hardware that gives you the ability to connect your microphones, instruments and other hardware directly to the computer.

XLR cables are balanced cables that are important in connecting your microphone to the audio interface. You can spring for the cables separately, but most experts suggest buying your DAW and audio interface as a bundle to save a little money and ensure compatibility.

4. Headphones

Your general studio functions will typically require two types of headphones, closed and open back. The closed headphones are good for isolating ambient sound, which is great when doing the actual recording. When mixing and altering music, however, the isolation becomes less important, hence the need for open back headphones.

You can also complete the mixing using studio monitors or speakers. Either way, it is important to have all of the headphones that you need to meet your home studio needs.

These items can start you on your way to building a home studio. There are many other customizations you can make to a home studio to refine your particular sound, but you need a functioning studio to start with. Now that you have what you will need, it’s time to make some music.

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Rhonda Williams is a writer, blogger, and maybe, your number one fan!

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