Tips On Improving Your Stage Presence

Not everyone is a born entertainer. It takes certain zeal to captivate live audiences, and like everything comes with practice. Don’t just rely on your awesome songs. Dominate the stage and give your audiences a show they’ll never forget by following these simple tips.

Be Confident: Many artists, including Adele and Ozzy Osbourne, experience stage fright. But being professional, audiences rarely see them falter. Practice your set to the “T” and change your fear to excitement. If you project confidence, you will start to believe it.

Use The Whole Stage: If you want audiences bored at their seats, sing your songs in one spot…the whole time. The point of a live show is get theatrics you can’t see through the radio. If you’re lucky enough to get a sizable stage – use it! Sing to the left, and then sing to the right. Command the area and their eyes won’t leave you.

Observe The Greats: You can learn a lot from other musicians. If you haven’t found your performance style, watch other artists wreck the stage. You can dissect their moves, clothes, and even how they handle the mic. Try some new things the next time you go live.

Use Facial Expressions: By the look on your face, audiences should know if your song is about true love or a bad break up. You’ve got the moves down. Now, it’s time to work on your emotions. Perform in front of a mirror and you’ll get “the feels” right every time.

Follow these steps and you’ll be rocking stages in no time.

Discover your path to success at Promolta.

Kathy Nguyen is a digital artist, aspiring entertainment professional, and lover of live music. You can find her tweeting her playlists, youtube-ing documentaries, and getting lost in your neighborhood.

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