4 Ways To Promote Your First Album

You’ve camped out in the studio for months working on your album. All your time and energy has gone into the production phase, and you think updating your Facebook status is enough promotion. Don’t be surprised if your sales are low because you forgot the big picture. Plan your schedule to include these promotion steps.

Promote Early: You don’t have to be finished to start promotions. If you’re only one-third of the way there, it’s time to get some buzz for the album. One way to do this is to upload song previews on your SoundCloud. Couple this with studio photos, and Twitter updates, to keep your album flying on the radar.

Involve Your Fans: People who support your music generate more than just CD and ticket sales. Fans can be the best promoters out there. Prepare a set of social media posts that fans can easily share. Ask for suggestions on what your next single should be. Not only are you getting free press, but you’re also creating excitement surrounding the album’s release.

Get Creative: Updating your social media with statuses and pictures are the must-do’s. To really stand out, you’ll have to think outside the box. Holding contests and giving out freebies are a few ways to get people talking about your music. Even if they’ve never heard of you, being proactive will get your name out in time for your next record.

Don’t set yourself up for failure. Follow these important tips and make your sleepless nights worth it!

Discover your path to success at Promolta.

Kathy Nguyen is a digital artist, aspiring entertainment professional, and lover of live music. You can find her tweeting her playlists, youtube-ing documentaries, and getting lost in your neighborhood.

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