How To Be A Regular Hire in the Studio

Whether you’re lending amazing vocals or playing bass for a hot track, being unprofessional can severely damage your hiring potential. Don’t be a one trick pony. Music makers will want you working in their studios again and again if you practice these 4 essential tips.

Stay Attentive

Knowing your part is expected. ONLY knowing your part is embarrassing. If you’re asked to follow the previous sound and can only draw a blank, don’t expect a stellar review. Make sure the studio session is productive by listening and paying close attention.

Communication is Key

Figuring out what the producer is looking for is a sure sign of someone who wants to get it right the first time. Plus, it’s foolish to try and improvise where you’re not being told to. By asking useful questions, you’ll get the information you need to quickly and effectively change up your tune.

Be Considerate

It doesn’t matter how high you hold yourself. Producers can easily find a replacement if you don’t understand common courtesy. This means treating everyone involved respectfully (staff, writers, sound technicians), keeping your hands off other equipment – or simply saying “thank you” and “good job”. A good attitude should be your motto no matter what field you work in.

Professionalism is a Priority

Last on this list is a suggestion for those who are inexperienced and excited to be in the studio for the first time. Pretend you’re a veteran in the biz. A seasoned artist would focus on the job first – and then the excitement. Unless you asked beforehand, there should be no picture taking, video recording, or uninvited guests. This can severely disrupt the session and your chances of getting hired again.

If you’re a master at your craft and take your involvement in projects seriously, following these studio tips can easily make your career dreams a reality.

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 Kathy Nguyen is a digital artist, aspiring entertainment professional, and lover of live music. You can find her tweeting her playlists, youtube-ing documentaries, and enjoying her favorite mixtape. 

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