The Best Way To Advertise Your Music

When it comes to starting out as a musician or just trying to present yourself as a viable entertainment choice, you’ll need to be able to give a good impression to potential clients. With a good advertisement of your music, it’s likely that you will find clubs or talent agencies or event party planners to choose you over many other candidates.

Here’s how to advertise your skills as a musician.

1. Present your accomplishments and accolades.

Like any good resume for a potential employer, people who are hiring musicians look to see if that musician has the skills and experience to fit their needs. That’s why it’s important for you to list off where you’ve performed, what you can perform, and the awards you might have gotten for your music. It also helps to present yourself as an easygoing person who takes requests because musicians will definitely get requests.

Resumes are important for auditions. Here’s how to make one.

2. Deliver a broad song and genre list.

In addition to the above point, people want to see that you can adapt to the large and diverse tastes that any audience may have. Whether you’re a solo musician or part of a band, people want to know that you can entertain their guests or play according to the specific music genre they’re looking for. That’s why it helps to be educated in various styles of music before advertising yourself before prospective employers.

Here’s a quick list of a few of the musical genres you can familiarize yourself with.

3. Use proper grammar and spelling in your advertisements.

While you are creating your advertisement and listing off your best points, remember that people are going to be more appreciative of you and willing to consider you if your ad is made with proper grammar. No one likes to read a resume that’s made without proper spacing, punctuation marks in the right places, and the correct use of capitalization.

It sounds like a minor suggestion, not related to your music, but in order to properly advertise yourself, you have to remember that it’s not all about the music.

Here are a few common grammar mistakes to avoid.

Presenting yourself to the world as a professional musician takes time and preparation. You need to be properly skilled, equipped, and willing to have potential employers look at you. You need to be prepared for rejection before someone chooses to hire you. Don’t give up and keep trying, despite the setbacks you may face.

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Kevin Kwon is a recent graduate from UC Berkeley, currently 23 years old. He works in San Francisco and hopes to continue in the graduate studies regarding the field of psychology.

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