When users click on a YouTube channel, the first thing they see is the home page. On every YouTubers home page, there should be a channel trailer. The channel trailer is for new viewers to get a sense of what the channel is about.
There are five things all youtubers should take into consideration when creating their channel trailer.
1. Make a reasonable time limit.
People are more likely to watch channel trailer if it’s of a reasonable length. The best length a channel trailer can be is between one minute and thirty seconds and three minutes. This time frame is long enough to get the information regarding you and your channel across to the viewer, but not so long that you will lose the viewers attention in the middle of the video.
The video below is a good example of a channel trailer that is the perfect length.
2. Don’t go into depth.
The channel trailer should not be too wordy or deep. Keep the variety of topics light and not too indepth. If the viewer is interested in more, they will view the other videos on your channel.
Show viewers just enough to make them excited for more videos.
3. Add attention grabbing content.
It is important that the content of the channel trailer be attention grabbing and captivating to the viewer. Music, graphics and tagline phrases are all great ways to grab the viewer’s attention. Channel trailers should be unique and capture the personality of the channel. The channel trailer should make enough of an impression on the viewer that they proceed to subscribe to the channel.
The video below really grabs the attention of the viewer.
4. Ask the viewers to subscribe.
Channel trailers are usually watched after a viewer has watched one video, became interested and then decided to check out the channel. The channel trailer could be catchy and informative, but if the maker doesn’t ask for a subscription, the viewer may forget to subscribe.
The point of the channel trailer is to gain more subscriptions and viewers, so make sure you ask for it!
5. Write an in-depth description beneath the video.
While the video itself is important, all channel trailers should have a good description beneath them for the viewers to read. The description should include a welcome message and more information regarding the channel. This can include a video schedule, type of content to expect, and personal information about the YouTuber. The description is a good place to add links to social media and websites.
The video below is a great example of a good channel trailer and a good description underneath the video.
Follow these guidelines when creating a channel trailer and you will be more likely to have success in gaining subscribers and viewers.
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Lydia Panko is an avid music listener, with her favorite genres being acoustic and alternative. She is also currently a senior at Ohio University studying marketing.
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