How to Keep Your Music Career Organized

When you try to make it as a musician, you have a lot in your hands. There’s much more to it behind-the-scenes, and you’ll find that managing these seemingly small jobs are essential to keeping your work organized and under control. Here are some tips to help you stay organized with all of your work.

1. Track your follower activity on all of your social media.

At times, it can be hard to manage all of your social media accounts as frequently as possible. It’s a good idea to track your follower activity on all accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to see if 1) you’re doing a good job of being active and updating/interacting with your fans and 2) it’s worth it to keep posting on all of these accounts.

If you discover that your Snapchat, for example, has very low activity, maybe it’s a good idea to either take a break from it or delete the account entirely if it’s too much of an unnecessary hassle to maintain.

By viewing the stats of your social media activity, you can both monitor your followers’ current interest in your work and also better organize all of your accounts. Cleaning this up monthly on your own will help you get a better idea of how you’re doing online.

Here’s a way to track your Instagram follower activity.

2. Assign specific responsibilities to members and write it all down.

This is especially important when you’re preparing for live performances and gigs. As a leader, it’s going to be very difficult to try to have everything under control. There’s no way you can neatly and calmly gather all of the equipment, contact information, and such on your own. You’re even likely to forget something important. So, it’s a great idea to assign specific responsibilities to your members so they can carry some of the weight.

For example, you could send emails a week before gigs clearly stating the name of each member and what he or she is in charge of for this upcoming show, such as bringing the guitar and amp. Writing this down in a text, shareable note, email, or Google Doc ensures that everyone is aware of their individual responsibilities. This leaves a record to refer to in the future as well.

3. Take photos and videos of your performances and practices.

Not only will this help you archive all of your live performances, but it’ll also be a great reference for the future. Capturing your performances and practices helps you build up your credibility as a musician as you share these moments on social media, and you’ll also have the option to refer back to these videos to monitor yourself and improve. Keeping records of all of your performances will help you grow as an artist as well as show the industry the plenty of experience you have.

Many K-Pop artists upload dance practices of songs in addition to music videos. This is a great idea because 1) fans can watch a dance version, 2) they have a record of the choreography and practice, and 3) the members can re-watch the video to monitor themselves and fix incorrect movements and staging.

4. Keep records of your expenditures.

This is a practical tip that you should definitely heed. Especially if you’re working with a budget, it’s a good idea to record every little purchase. You can enter all of this information into a simple Excel document, and you can organize these records by month.

Then, you can look back on your expenditures and better gauge how you should be spending (or saving) your money. You may find that many purchases were unnecessary, or you may even find that you have more room to spend with your current budget.

The above four tips are important for keeping everything under control. Although being a musician rides pretty much entirely on the music itself, you also have to consider the practical matters of managing your career.

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Angelina Hue enjoys listening to wide variety of music, from instrumental movie scores to alternative indie to Korean pop music. She also likes to make short films and write fiction.

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