How To Improve Your Video Watch Time By Adding Cards

Watch time contributes to your video’s place in the YouTube ranking algorithm. The longer viewers watch your videos, the higher those videos will rank in the search results. Therefore, by improving your watch time, you can attract more viewers.

Here’s how to improve your video watch time by adding cards.

1. Get viewer feedback using polls.

Polls increase your viewer engagement. By adding poll cards throughout your videos, you can ask your viewers questions, get their opinions, and collect feedback on your current content. Learn more about adding polls to your videos in this post.

Watch this video to find out how to add polls to your videos.

2. Link viewers to previous videos.

You can use cards to link viewers to previous videos related to the one they’re watching. This will help increase your watch time on older uploads as well. Be sure to mention the videos you’re adding as cards in the main video.

When vlogger Carrie Dayton makes a storytime video, she adds the related stories as cards so her viewers can get caught up.

3. Hide an Easter egg at the end.

Finally, you can use cards to hide “Easter eggs” at the end of your videos. These secret surprises keep your viewers watching so they can get in on the joke.

For example, at the end of every DanAndPhilGAMES video, the cards linking viewers to the boys’ individual channels display their channel names as puns. Viewers have to watch to the end to see.

Cards are a great way to improve your video watch time. Try adding polls, linking previous videos, and hiding Easter eggs to keep your viewers watching until the end.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.