How To Dispute A YouTube Copyright Claim

YouTube’s policies regarding the use of copyright material work to protect the original content uploaded by creators like you. However, because so much of YouTube’s business relies on major corporations, the rules also work in favor of major media companies. If you use a copyright song, clip, or image in a video, then the company that owns it could file a copyright claim and take all your ad revenue from that video.

If you find yourself in this situation, then you can dispute the Content ID claim. However, before you file a dispute, you need to make sure you have a viable reason to do so.

Make sure you understand fair use and public domain.

In the United States, fair use protects your right to use copyrighted material under certain circumstances, such as for scholarship or news reporting. You can find out everything you need to know about YouTube and fair use in this post.

Whenever something’s copyright expires, it falls into the public domain. There are also musicians, photographers, and videographers who create things specifically for the public domain. When something is considered public domain, it is free for anyone to use.

Check out this video to get a better understanding of what public domain means.

You can find public domain images and videos to use in your YouTube videos by searching the Creative Commons website. You can find public domain music on the Audio Library channel on YouTube.

If you’re not sure if you can file a dispute, seek legal advice.

Filing unmerited copyright disputes can actually hurt your channel. If YouTube decides you’re repeatedly or maliciously abusing the dispute process, then you might wind up with penalties against your channel.

You can find more helpful information about YouTube’s copyright policies in this post.

To file a dispute, go to your video manager.

In your Creator Studio, go to the video manager. Then, click on copyright notices.

Next, click the copyright symbol, which looks like a lowercase c inside a circle, next to the video you’re ready to dispute. From the next page, you can choose File a dispute, fill out the form, and submit it.

The copyright owner has thirty days to respond to your dispute. Then, they can either release the claim, uphold it, or have your video removed.

If your copyright dispute is upheld but you feel it was a mistake, then you can appeal the decision from the same place in your video manager.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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