How to Decrease Facebook Bounce Rate

Although Facebook is the #1 social media and networking platform, many band pages still have a high bounce rate – or likeliness of viewers leaving a page immediately after arriving. Here are some tips to keep more fans on your page for more time.

1) Update your page at least once a day. If you’re uploading once a day, upload twice a day at very different hours. If your music focuses on specific subjects or themes like love or nature, post relevant, eye-catching pictures and clips.

2) Avoid self-loading media content. This means all links should load to new windows. This is important because self-loading content makes your page’s loading slower which means impatient viewers won’t even bother looking.

3) Design Well. Make use of color contrast in pictures to improve visual layout. Your whole page should not be Facebook blue so make sure content posts incorporate all kinds of colors. The more your profile looks like a regular Facebook page the less impressed visitors will be and the quicker they will leave.

To ensure you have a low bounce rate visit your band’s Facebook page from different computers to see how quickly your page loads and whether or not there are any problems. If there are, trim your profile’s self-loading content down and make sure it loads as quickly as possible.

For more tips on how to promote your music visit us here at

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