3 Networking Tips for Musicians

Here are three networking tips to boost your connections in the musical community. Remember, networking starts with giving to the community and establishing good relationships with other artists.

1) SoundCloud – Spend about thirty minutes a day listening to your followers music and writing thoughtful feedback. Establishing yourself in the music community is a good way to build a reputation and get new contacts.

2) Attend Facebook events and meet-ups. These are great networking opportunities to get in touch with local musicians. Remember to show your music to people that are interested, and follow up with contacts you meet. Be strong but not pushy!

3) When you find under-appreciated artists with good music reach out to them with a personal message, not just a comment, on why you enjoyed the music. A message of genuine appreciation can lead to a great networking opportunity, and being one of their first musician contacts could result in future fortunes if they get signed.

It is worth it and necessary to invest time networking with other musicians. It will have a positive effect on the community will result in buzz around your name. As you network more you will meet successful artists who can share their advice and stories about success. They might even provide you with professional contacts.

For more tips on how to get your music heard visit us here at www.promolta.com


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