How to Choose the Best Tags for Your Video

Like Instagram and Twitter, YouTube makes use of tags that allows viewers to quickly find videos that are of interest to them. By choosing the best tags for your video, it will become exposed to more viewers. This is one of many resources that YouTube offers content creators that can be used to their advantage.

Here is how you can make use of tags on YouTube to obtain more viewers.

1. Make the tag specific to what the video is about.

It is very important that the tag identifies the video that is posted. When viewers type in a tag or keyword, they will find videos that are relevant to what they searched for. While it’s best to tag as many things as you can,  only use tags that relate to the video.

2. Use brand specific tags.

For YouTubers looking to grow their brand and identity, use tags that are tied to the channel specifically. This includes any commonly used words or phrases, the YouTube channel name, as well as popular words that tie into the theme of the channel. Be mindful that every tag matters, so choose wisely.

3. YouTube Auto Suggest

Use the search bar at the top of the YouTube website. Though it’s an obvious way to look for YouTube videos, some content creators do not realize that the search bar can also be used to figure out the best tags for their videos. Search for related videos to find even more keywords that you can use as tags.

4. Look at relatable videos.

To become the best, you must learn from the best. Browse other YouTube channels similar to your own and take a look at how they use tags to promote their videos. Be sure to take note of how the tags relate to their current videos and the amount of tags that they choose to use.

Tags may not seem like a big deal, but if they are used correctly there will be difference in the amount of views and subscribers one will gain over time.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Ashley Reed grew up in Detroit, Michigan and attends Michigan State University. She enjoys writing creative pieces, creating YouTube videos and entertainment news.

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