How to Grow Your Channel With Fan Interaction

You know about the importance of interacting with your fan base. It helps build support and encourages your fans to help your channel grow.

These strategies will help you stand out for your level of interaction with your fans.

1. Answer their questions.

Once you start to build a following, your fans will be interested in learning more about you. There will probably be more questions in your comments section and on Twitter than you can handle.

Refusing to answer any of them could negatively affect your fan base, but you can maintain people’s interest if you consistently select a portion of the questions to answer. It will help build fans’ loyalty and make them feel more of a personal connection.

Popular YouTuber ||Superwoman|| has even taken things to the next level by answering fans’ questions in a live format.

2. Interact with them on social media.

Social media platforms are not only great for spreading information about your projects. They can also serve to connect you with your fans, providing an opportunity to build loyalty with more than your content.

If people tag you in a tweet, they most likely would be thrilled to see you either respond or retweet them. By fulfilling their desires, you’ll encourage more fans to post about you in hopes of a response or a retweet. This obviously gets your name in front of a wider audience.

YouTuber Rosanna Pansino consistently retweets fans who mention her, creating a fun incentive for people to shout her out and spread the word about her channel. This tweet came from an account with all of 12 followers but received nearly 300 likes.

3. Hold contests.

People love free stuff, so giveaways are a great way to make your fans happy. Even if they aren’t the one who wins a contest – and they probably won’t be – they’ll feel like they were a part of something on your channel and will be interested in continuing to participate in the community.

You don’t have to give away expensive stuff. Just make it relevant to your channel, and people will love it.

YouTuber Michelle Phan often gives stuff away to her fans. Here, she offers up some beauty products she picked up on a trip to Asia.

4. Mark milestones in your fan base.

Taking note of your growing subscriber count from time to time allows you to thank your fans and show that you appreciate them. If you do something cool when you hit a certain milestone, fans will want to help you reach your next goal or milestone.

The Merrell Twins made a music video to celebrate their millionth subscriber.

5. Listen to their suggestions.

Once fans start to like you and get a feel for your channel and your skill set, they’ll probably have ideas for things you could do next. Not only will this help you come up with content ideas, it can also serve as a way of delivering a heightened reward to supporters and enhancing their feeling of involvement in your success.

YouTube’s nigahiga consistently meets his fans’ requests for content. Here, he makes a rap song out of “Let It Go.”

In order to maximize your fan support and produce a sense of loyalty among your subscribers, interaction is key. Make your fans feel like part of a strong community with these techniques.

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Matt Cummings grew up in the Bay Area and now attends UCLA. He enjoys sports, music and comedy.