How To Attract Viewers With A Haul Video

Haul videos never go out of style. Viewers love to see what they can buy from their favorite stores without having to leave the comfort of their own homes. Haul videos also show them what’s actually worth buying.

Here’s how to attract viewers with a haul video.

1. Choose a store that caters to your target audience.

The most important part of your haul video is where you choose to shop. You should pick a store that your target audience would shop at. For example, if you have a beauty channel, your haul video would be more successful if you shopped at Sephora rather than Target.

British vlogger Louise Pentland makes a lot of videos about pregnancy and motherhood. So, her baby charity haul video catered perfectly to her target audience.

2. Set a reasonable budget.

When you’re shopping for a haul video, it can be easy to go overboard. You’ll probably find a lot of things you want to show your viewers. However, you want to be careful that you don’t spend more money creating the video than you’ll make from AdSense.

Set a reasonable budget for your haul video. You can even put the budget in the title to attract thrifty viewers.

3. Talk about why you chose the things you bought.

When you sit down to film the video, don’t just show your viewers everything you bought. Rather, you should talk about why you chose those products and what your viewers may like about them.

When Safiya Nygaard does a haul video, she takes her viewers along on the shopping journey, allowing them to see her decision-making process and initial reactions.

4. Try to get an affiliate link or discount code for your viewers.

After watching your haul video, viewers may want to check out some of your favorite products for themselves. You can profit off of this by providing them with affiliate links in the descriptions of your videos.

Check out this video to learn about making money through affiliate links.

Haul videos are a great way to attract new viewers to your channel. Follow these tips to make an awesome haul video of your own.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.