How to Approach the Dislike Button

Go ahead and check out the most disliked videos on YouTube, and there will be an interesting correlation going on. The most disliked videos are among the most popular in the history of the internet. So, should you even bother looking at the number of dislikes on a great video?

1. Don’t be afraid of the dislike button.

Say after posting a video, you find there are a disproportionate amount of dislikes. Maybe you are wondering if you have done something wrong, or if your product really isn’t cut out for one million views. Chances are, that’s not the case.

There is no need for worry. People on the Internet look for trouble and like to incite chaos. The video is not the problem, rather the boredom or naiveté of the commenter is. If your video actually isn’t up to par, your friends and family are supposed to be there to help you and recommend improvements anyways.

2. Remember that the number of dislikes isn’t the first thing a viewer sees.

People click on videos because they are searching for information, entertainment, or they are drawn in by clickbait. Your ratio of likes to dislikes ratio is not a number that viewers are going to see before clicking on the video, and neither would it be a deciding factor if it were there.

3. Know that there are exceptions to every rule.

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. Videos that are made to offend or demean others are going to get disliked, as they should. Yet, it is not your problem. So just keep producing quality content, and focus on the number of new subscribers every month.

The number of dislikes on your video isn’t nearly as important as you think it may be. As long as you focus on your content, you’ll find viewers who truly care about what you’re posting.

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Phil Manning is a musician, writer, thinker and doer. He likes writing, speaking foreign languages, playing tennis, and working out.

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