How This New Music Video Got To #2 On YouTube’s Trending Page

Pop singer Charli XCX first made waves with her hit song “Fancy.” Now, her latest release, “Boys,” is already at the top of YouTube’s trending page. The music video hit the second slot just a few hours after it was released.

Here’s why Charli XCX’s “Boys” music video got trending.

1. It turns a classic cinema trick on its head.

Lately, more and more viewers have been criticizing films for the use of the “male gaze,” a pandering camera angle that objectifies an actress’s body. However, Charli decided to flip the switch by making the men themselves the object of her camera’s gaze.

Charli’s video celebrates men of all different races and body types. The result is an interesting commentary on gender equality onscreen.

2. The video features plenty of celebrity cameos.

Though Charli herself doesn’t have much face time in the music video, viewers can still find plenty of familiar faces. There’s a boy for every viewer, from Joe Jonas to Wiz Khalifa to Brendan Urie to Connor Franta.

3. She directed the video herself.

Charli spent more time behind the camera for this video than she did in front of it. Alongside Sarah McColgan, Charli XCX directed her own video for “Boys.” She very proudly shared this fact with her fans on social media.

Charlie XCX’s “Boys” music video got so many views so quickly because the video itself is so unique. Plenty of viewers tuned in to spot their favorite boys, and many others were excited to see the singer’s directorial debut.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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