How This Girl Got Named Creator On The Rise

YouTube’s trending page often features a new “Creator On The Rise,” an up-and-coming content creator who’s getting a lot of views in a little time. The latest creator to bear the title is Haley Croft, a DIY and lifestyle vlogger who’s gained more than 40,000 subscribers in four months.

Here’s how Haley Croft got named Creator On The Rise.

1. She creates videos that are highly shareable.

The reason that vloggers like Wengie and LaurDIY get so many views is that they create the kind of content that many viewers find useful. Haley’s channel focuses primarily on DIY tutorials, which opens up her videos to a wide audience. Thanks to the popularity of sites like Pinterest, plenty of internet users are searching online for DIYs.

Lifestyle vloggers like Haley are so popular because they create content that viewers can apply to their own lives.

2. She jumped on a popular seasonal video trend.

As the summer winds down and school supplies shopping begins, many vloggers have started making videos for back-to-school. Haley started her own back-to-school series three weeks ago, and they’re already the most popular videos on her channel. Seasonal videos are a great way to grow an audience because there are a lot of viewers looking for them year after year.

3. She took the trend to an extreme.

As her back-to-school videos got more popular, Haley decided to try something more than a little different from what other vloggers have been doing. Within a week, her DIY edible school supplies tutorial had more than 700,000 views.

Haley Croft was named Creator On The Rise because of the quality DIY content she creates. Incorporating these strategies into your own content may just make you next.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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