How This Channel Earned Its First Million Subscribers

News and tabloids have been keeping people up to date on current events for a long time now. Investigative journalism has been a popular form of getting the kind of information that is not known to most people. One YouTube channel has utilized this format to report on celebrities and social media stars. Michael McCrudden has a channel that’s dedicated to a format of reporting on various famous individuals and their lives.

These are the reasons why his channel has earned over a million subscribers.

1. Michael McCrudden’s reporting is informative to viewers.

His channel creates content that informs people about particular celebrities’ lives. His investigative journalism is attractive to viewers because it gives them information about an individual and answers most questions viewers would have about the person’s life. The research he gains from a celeb is substantial to most viewers.

Below is an example of this with a video on a particular celeb.

2. His content format is appealing.

Michael McCrudden utilizes a simple format when discussing a particular individual’s life. He may focus on a celeb’s life before their popularity or after. The format he uses for his videos is that he will usually introduce a person and then give basic information followed by specific details about the celebrity’s life and rise to fame. This format is attractive to viewers because it enables them to have basic knowledge of the stars and learn more about them through a short biography.

Below is an example of his format.

3. He has an open dialogue with his viewers.

Often, Michael McCrudden takes requests from viewers on which celebrity to focus on next. His response to his fans and answers to any inquiries they have makes his channel more responsive than others that utilize a similar format.

Below is an example of this with a video about UFC superstar Connor McGregor.

These are the reasons why Michael McCrudden has earned over a million subscribers. His research and reporting styles are informative to viewers and his content is appealing. Michael McCrudden’s interactions with his subscribers and viewers are an important reason why his channel is rising in popularity.

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Reshad Waziri is currently a student and follows various social media trends. He listens to mostly electronic music and trip-hop. His hobbies include playing basketball, photography, and reading.

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