How 2 Brothers Reached Nearly 3 Million Subscribers

In 2007, brothers John and Hank Green created the VlogBrothers YouTube channel, consisting of the Brotherhood 2.0 project. This project meant that they would have no communication with each other through any media except for submitting vlogs onto the channel.

Hank made the first vlog on January 1st, 2007, John responded the next day, and they continued posting videos every day. Since then, the channel has reached nearly 3 million subscribers, who have dubbed themselves the “Nerdfighters.”

Here is how the two brothers became so successful.

1. Keep videos short and sweet.

One rule set up for the brothers was that their videos must be under four minutes long. This is a good length of video that is long enough to give enough information, but not too long to bore the viewer.

In this video, John Green explains this rule, along with others that the two must follow.

2. Keep a consistent schedule.

As seen in the video above, a rule was made that the two must post videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. When they first started, they posted videos every single day. A consistent schedule allows the viewers to know and anticipate when the next video will be up.

In their first ever video, Hank Green talks about what they will be doing and tells the viewers they will be posting every day.

3. Talk about interesting things that a wide variety of viewers will want to hear.

John and Hank Green make videos on almost any topic. From modern politics to their favorite books to popular jokes, hardly anything is out of the question. This allows viewers to find a video on nearly any topic they are interested in.

One of their most viewed videos is all about jokes.

4. Have fun when you’re filming.

A big reason John and Hank Green are so successful is because they love what they do and have fun with it. They talk about topics that they are genuinely interested in and only make content that they want to make.

John, a writer, really enjoys posting videos about books.

These two brothers made a name for themselves and developed a following because they made fun, interesting, educational videos about things they loved. They were short and sweet and had a precise schedule, and the viewers could always find a video about what they wanted to see. These things can help any YouTube channel reach a following.

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Patrick Jahnke is a college student at Wabash College. He hopes to be a writer and professor after he graduates.

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