How Perseverance Led Jewel to Success

Jewel is an incredible musician who found success despite facing many challenges in life. She is an inspiration to everyone, and she teaches aspiring musicians to persevere through adversity.

Here are three ways that Jewel fought adversity to find success.

1. She sang with her dad at taverns to make a living.

Jewel spent most of her childhood living in Homer, Alaska, with her father. They had very little money, and they struggled to live in the Alaskan wilderness. In fact, their house didn’t even have indoor plumbing, so they had to use an outhouse for many years.

However, Jewel and her father made a living together by singing in bars and taverns. They used their musical talents to make ends meet, and Jewel even learned how to yodel while singing with her father (a technique she uses in her songs today).

Like Jewel, you should use your musical talents to help you with your struggles.

Check out this video, in which Jewel performs with her dad at 34:30.

2. She incorporated music into her everyday job.

Jewel eventually moved to the continental United States to go to school and work, where a lot stood in her way. First, she was fired from her job because she refused to have inappropriate relations with her boss. After getting fired, she was kicked out of her apartment for not having rent money, and she was forced to live in her car. On top of that, she had issues with her kidneys and no money for insurance or health care.

Despite all of this hardship, Jewel persevered and found a job at a coffee shop in San Diego. While working as a barista, she also sang and performed for the customers. This helped her gain recognition, teaching musicians to find ways to incorporate musical performance in their everyday jobs.

3. She persevered and slowly gained a following.

Later on, Jewel was hired by a friend to sing at another coffee shop called The Inner Change. Jewel’s friend hoped that her performances would bring more customers to the coffee shop. At Jewel’s first performances, very few people came. However, more and more people began showing up, and Jewel slowly but surely gained a musical following.

The musical buzz reached a radio station, which played one of Jewel’s songs. Then, a record label heard the song, and they signed Jewel to their label.

Now, Jewel is an internationally successful musician. Check out one of her recent performances below.

Always remember that if you’re a struggling musician, there are countless successful musicians who were once in your exact place. Channel the struggles in your life into motivation to succeed, and like Jewel, you can become a musical sensation.

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David Yaghutiel is a Bay Area native who enjoys traveling, theatre, playing the ukulele, and learning as much about the world as he possibly can. He also occasionally daylights as a senior at UCLA.

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