How Jenna Marbles Keeps Her 16 Million Subscribers Coming Back For More

With more than 16 million subscribers as of December 2016, Jenna Marbles has become something of a YouTube giant. The YouTuber became famous for her brash and straightforward rants, roasts, and impressions.

Here is an overview of some of her most popular series and how other YouTubers can learn from them and from her success.

1. She does impressions.

Jenna Marbles’s impressions, though not always exactly spot on, are generally very entertaining. Try using impressions to add comedic value to your videos.

Jenna’s videos are a great reminder that comedic bits like impressions do not have to be flawless in order to entertain your audiences and make people happy.

2. She answers questions from fans.

In these videos, Jenna answers questions submitted by fans through social media. This allows her to interact directly with her audience, which is always a good thing.

With questions videos, Jenna is able to provide hilarious responses and anecdotes while also reminding her audiences that she cares about them and values their interest.

Always take the time to interact with your audience and remind your viewers of how much they mean to you.

3. Thoughts From a Bathtub is her unique and personal vlog.

This video series is exactly what it sounds like. These videos, Jenna’s frank yet hilarious statements are set against peaceful spa music and a full bubble bath. These videos serve as a vehicle for her to express random thoughts and half-formed ideas.

Your own random thoughts and half-formed ideas might be equally entertaining to viewers. Do not underestimate their power.

4. Rants allow her to express opinions her viewers often share.

Jenna’s uncensored and unapologetic rants have always appealed to viewers. They are drawn to her honesty and bluntness.

Try to be 100% honest and resist censoring yourself when making videos. Viewers appreciate authenticity.

Jenna Marbles’s series have helped her build a loyal fan base and thrive in the YouTube community.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Jana DeGuzman is a Communication Studies major and French Studies minor at the University of San Francisco. She loves Mac DeMarco, Beyonce, and the ocean.

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