How Demi Lovato Successfully Released Her New Album

Demi Lovato’s new album set the social media world on fire when it dropped this week. Fans all across the globe can’t get enough of Tell Me You Love Me.

Here’s how Demi Lovato successfully released her new album.

1. She focused on streaming rather than on selling physical copies.

Some artists focus on selling actual CDs. However, more and more music fans are turning to streaming services instead. Demi followed suit, pushing her new music on Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal.

2. She promoted the midnight release.

Thanks to the streaming services, fans all across the world got to listen to Demi’s new music as soon as midnight hit wherever they were in the world. Demi focused a lot of her promotional efforts on the album’s online midnight release, encouraging fans to stay up and listen as soon as it dropped.

3. She’s been retweeting fans’ reactions to her new music.

Demi means a lot to a whole lot of people. For her beloved Lovatics, a retweet or like from Demi could make their days. To encourage them to talk about her new album on social media, Demi has been interacting with her fans and followers on Twitter a lot more than usual.

Demi Lovato’s Tell Me You Love Me celebrated a successful release because she promoted its online midnight release. Interacting with her fans on Twitter also encouraged them to talk about the album more.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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