How Beck Became a Pop Star Without Trying

The output of music from Los Angeles native Beck has been constantly unique over the past 20 years. If you don’t know him from his 1996 hit single “Loser,” then you probably know him from his 2014 Grammy-winning album “Morning Phase.”

Beck shines a new light on the artistic aspect of music and lyrics. His modest rise to success is something that every aspiring musician can learn from.

1. Attend poetry slams.

In his teen years, Beck participated in open mic nights at coffee shops and attended local poetry readings. The knowledge he gained from this is apparent in his eclectic musical lyrics.

When writing lyrics, incorporating poetic devices can be a major game-changer. By writing poetry and listening to other people’s work, you will expand your ability to write powerful lyrics.

2. Work with independent labels.

After his discovery, Beck worked non-exclusively with independent labels. For many aspiring artists, working with independent labels might be the best choice. Independent labels allow artists the right to their own music while creating a personal relationship.

Major music labels, on the other hand, have a lot more money to spend on artist promotion. However, negotiating contracts and getting the attention you deserve might be more difficult.

3. Don’t have high expectations.

It is important to set goals and have a plan for your future, but be careful that you don’t set your expectations too high.

Beck admits that he never expected to be such a successful artist. He simply started making music because he loved it, which should be every artist’s motivation.

Beck’s humble approach to stardom is unconventional but effective. Musicians can learn from his easy going process and love of music.

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Corinne Rivera appreciates every type of music, which stems from her experience in dance and playing the guitar and the flute. She currently resides in San Francisco where she studies electronic communications, explores the city’s art, and attends concerts of all genres.

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