How Adele’s Carpool Karaoke Became The Top Trending Video Of The Year

According to CNET, the top trending video of the year was James Corden’s Carpool Karaoke with Adele. With more than 136 million views since it was posted in January, viewers still can’t get enough of James and Adele’s musical ride.

Here’s how James Corden and Adele created a viral video with lasting popularity.

1. The concept is simple.

The concept of Carpool Karaoke is as simple as its name. Late night TV host James Corden drives his guests around while they sing together. He also interviews his passengers between duets.

To make a video that will go viral, think simply. What will someone want to watch on the bus ride to work or between classes? What kind of video might both your five-year-old nephew and your grandmother enjoy?

2. It’s entertaining without depending entirely on humor.

A lot of viral videos die quickly because, after about a week, they feel like worn-out jokes. Something that’s funny one day can be irritating the next. However, James and Adele’s video continues to get views because they managed to be funny without being ridiculous. James mixed up covers of popular songs from the nineties to now with introspective interview questions. Adele’s answers gave viewers more to think about than just her powerful vocals.

Don’t make your videos all about humor. In order to make a video of lasting popularity, leave room for a few meaningful moments. It’s all about finding the balance that works best for you.

3. The video was part of a popular video series.

Millions of people were already subscribed to The Late Late Show‘s YouTube channel because Carpool Karaoke was popular even before Adele came on. James has driven around everyone from Madonna to One Direction.

Consider making a video series so that you can build up a loyal audience. Then, when you come out with an especially interesting episode, your faithful viewers will share it with their friends and family.

James Corden and Adele’s unusual collaboration proved to be the biggest video of the year. In order to make a viral video that stays popular, mimic the way they balance out their humor. Keep your video concepts simple, and consider turning them into a series. You never know whose video will be the biggest trend of 2017.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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