Since Facebook’s inception it’s been obvious that tons of page “likes” were key to page popularity and expansion. The more people liked a page, the more others were saw it too, liked it, and shared it.
Now things are changing. This month Facebook incorporated a new feature called “See First.” It allows regular users the chance to give certain pages – bands, sports teams, and companies – a VIP status that keeps them at the top of their respective news feeds.
So what does this mean for up-and-coming artists? Two things:
1) The power of the “like” is dwindling. Paying for FB “likes” always meant a bigger number of likes on your page. These extra likes then became a measuring stick for average users – once you had a couple thousand the snowball grew and others would start liking too. This is not the key to success anymore so it’s pointless to continue paying for likes.
2) Entertainment value is replacing the like as the path to the top of Facebook pages. To stay at the top of feeds and gain “See First” privileges artists will have to concentrate effort on keeping eyes glued to their pages. So pages with the most interesting content will earn VIP status on more and more feeds as time goes on.
The main takeaway: It’s time to focus less energy on amassing likes and more time polishing your page and adding awesome content. Page quality > Like quantity.
Learn how to add compelling content to your page at
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