How to Corner College Crowds

College students spend their days sleeping, listening to music, playing video games, and partying – they are ideal fans. Check these ways to corner the college market and greatly expand your musical business.

1) When booking school gigs, work through each college’s student event board. These groups of elected students plan campus events. They want to book acts that the largest portion of the student body will enjoy so make sure to stress that your band is crowd-pleasing and versatile.

2) Contact college radio stations and get your music playing on campus. This is a free way to disperse your music, and college radio stations truly care about music and up-and-coming acts so they will listen and frequently play your tunes if they enjoy.

3) Learn this principle: college students love free things. When you’re advertising around campus offer free tickets, merchandise, and songs. Employee raffles and promotional contests to attract more listeners. This gives students and their friends more incentive to check you out.

4) Don’t forget to book gigs with local coffee shops, house parties, talent shows, and other chances to showcase your talent.

5) When offering band services, if you can, have cheaper options for smaller musical combinations. For example, if your band charges a regular amount for its four-member performance, consider offering a cheaper, two-member acoustic set so venues have more financial options. This will yield more opportunities to play and reach new earholes.

Learn about other ways to expand your fan base at

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