How This Singer Marketed Her Music In An Unexpected Way

Antonia Marquee is a singer and songwriter who resides in Los Angeles, California. She has more than 24,000 subscribers on YouTube and several songs available for download on iTunes.

Recently, Antonia has been marketing her music in unexpected ways that have brought a lot of attention to her talents. Here’s what she’s been up to.

1. She sells short, original songs online.

Aside from YouTube and SoundCloud, Antonia also makes money through her music using Fiverr. This small gig-selling site allows users to pay people like Antonia to do simple, entertaining things, such as making a short music video. For just five dollars, anyone could have Antonia write a song about anything.

Antonia’s Fiverr gigs caught a lot of attention when popular YouTuber Shane Dawson had her write an original song for two of his videos.

2. She collaborated with a popular vlogger to make an original music video.

Shane loved the song that Antonia wrote for him so much that he decided to turn it into a wild music video. He emailed her to get her feedback on his video ideas, and when he found out that she also lived in Los Angeles, he invited her over to star in the video alongside him.

Many of Shane’s viewers fell in love with Antonia’s voice, and they went to check out her more serious music on her channel, which Shane linked in the description of his own video.

3. She made the vlogger’s songs available for download on iTunes.

Antonia recorded two songs for Shane, one of which was for his boyfriend, vlogger Ryland Adams. She made the songs available for download on iTunes so that Shane and Ryland’s viewers could listen to them on their own time.

Antonia Marquee uniquely marketed her music by finding original ways to sell songs. By thinking outside of the box, any aspiring musician can capture the attention of a wider audience.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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