4 Unique Videos You Can Create

The best videos on YouTube are the ones that are the most unique. Try creating one of these four unique videos to bring attention to your channel and draw in more viewers.

1. Satisfying Video

The so-called “satisfying” videos are a new trend of orderly, soothing clip compilations. You can create your own compilation or even recreate your favorites.

2. Original Tag

If you want to start a trend, then start a tag! Recently popular tags include “How I Did My Makeup In High School” and “The Boyfriend Tag.”

3. Trying Foreign Candy

Next time you travel internationally, pick up a few local candy bars and sweets. Viewers at home and abroad will love to watch your reactions.

4. Mandela Effects

The Mandela Effect is a version of a conspiracy theory in which someone claims he or she remembers something differently than the way it actually was. Create a vlog with a few Mandela effects of your own to see if any viewers agree with you.

Unique video ideas are all around you. Find which ones you like and take a whack at it yourself!

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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