5 Streaming Platforms Every Artist Should Use

Streaming is the new model of music sales. Customers would much rather listen to a few ads to access unlimited music than pay 99 cents for every single song. As a musician, you should adjust the way you sell your music to reach the widest audience possible. By making your music available to stream, you’ll increase your number of listeners.

Here are five streaming platforms that every artist should use.

1. Spotify

Spotify changed the way that people listen to music. By building a huge streaming library, Spotify also curated a large listening audience. It’s also one of the only free streaming services available, meaning that it offers artist great exposure to casual music listeners.

Here’s how to get your music on Spotify.

2. Apple Music

Apple stepped into the streaming model with its recently released Apple Music, a paid-for streaming service that capitalizes on the popularity of iTunes. By offering a free three-month trial to new customers, Apple Music built a substantial audience of its own.

Watch this video to learn how to get your songs onto Apple Music.

3. Tidal

Tidal is great because it was founded by artists and for artists. This paid-for streaming service offers users the best selection from top artists. However, it’s also a great tool for independent artists.

Here’s how to get your music onto Tidal.

4. Amazon Prime Music

Amazon Prime Music is one of the perks offered to Amazon Prime members. Certain songs or albums are available for paying customers to stream for no additional cost. The playlists and stations that Amazon creates are a great way for new artists to get their music heard.

Check out this video to learn about selling your music on Amazon and several other online music stores.

5. Pandora

Pandora allows users to create customized online radio stations. New artists are interspersed with a user’s favorites, easily introducing lots of listeners to new music they’ll love.

Here’s how to get your music on Pandora.

Making your music available to stream is the best way to reach new listeners. Get your music onto these five streaming sites to widen your audience as much as possible.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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