4 Different Ways To Increase Your Fanbase

Every band knows this struggle. When you’re fresh on the circuit with few to zero connections whatsoever, how do you cut through the noise and get people to notice you? Building a following from the ground up can be extremely difficult. Thankfully we’ve got some words of wisdom any newbie (or seasoned) musician can take away.

Support Your Local Artists

Think of your fellow musicians as your strongest allies, not competition. Your first few shows will usually happen with other bands— whether they link up with you directly, or refer you to another act. How do you join these collaborations? Simple! Attend local shows and support other local bands. After their set, make an effort to introduce yourself. Try not to push your music or band on them from the beginning. Instead, let things happen naturally. If your bands are vibing – chances are – their existing fanbase will dig your music too.

Advertise on Walls, Not Just The Web

As a new band in town, one of your first priorities should be creating promotional posters and advertisements. Include an awesome logo, font, and the overall image that establishes your band’s identity. An interesting band name and image will definitely peak the interest of the people! The neighborhood can’t miss you if your logo is stamped all over town. You don’t even have to have an upcoming show to post advertisements. Keep in mind that the best places to post are around college campuses, popular eateries, and music venues.

Gig and Gig Often

Sticking to SoundCloud likes will only get you so far. Playing live will rev up your visibility and fanbase. A bi-weekly gigging schedule is a good starting point. Try to spread your gigs out geographically and avoid playing at one spot too often. This could tire out your audience in that area and make your appearance less special.If you live in a large metropolitan area, make it so you’re only playing the same part of town once a month or so. In smaller towns, reach out to venues in adjacent towns and make the trip. Yes it’s a lot of travel but it will pay off in the end!

Reach Out To Everyone Related To Music

Besides meeting other musicians, there are other contacts that are vital to your success. Local radio hosts, news/blog writers, promoters, sound engineers, and club owners are all key members of the industry and you want to meet them as soon as possible! You can start by looking for a radio DJ or blog writer that you really enjoy and reach out to them with a professional and friendly email. Introduce yourself and explain how much you enjoy their work and what you like about it. Again, make sure to put the emphasis on making friends with them, rather than on focusing on what they can do for you regardless of who it is that you’re pitching.

Don’t wait for the fans to come to you. Get out there, look confident, and be proactive with accomplishing your music goals.

If you’re interested to get your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans, click this link : www.promolta.com

Michelle Aguilar has a strong passion and love for music – and it’s history. She enjoys reading literary books, dancing, trip-hop/indie venues, working on her blog, and digging up new music. 


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