3 Things Kehlani Does to Stay Humble

Kehlani Parrish, professionally known as Kehlani, is a rising star in the R&B community. She has been nominated for a Grammy for Best Urban Contemporary Album from her mixtape You Should Be Here. If that’s not impressive enough, she also has millions of social media followers and is currently touring with her idol, Lauryn Hill. When experiencing this flood of fame, it can be hard to stay humble. Kehlani has proven multiple times, through her live shows and media presence, that she will always stay grounded.

Here’s how Kehlani’s actions can teach you how to stay humble throughout your musical career.

1. Surround yourself with people you can trust.

The more popular you become, the harder it can be to trust the people around you. It can be difficult to distinguish between people who are truly happy for you and people who want to take advantage of your success.

Kehlani always keeps friends that she knows have her best interest at heart. In her latest music video “CRZY”, she features several of her friends as they party and dance to awesome choreography.

2. Remember where you came from.

One thing that sets Kehlani apart from a lot of artists is that she never fails to pay tribute to her hometown and the people who supported her from the beginning. If you come from a place that supported you from the start, recognizing that support throughout your career will say a lot about your character. It may even help you create amazing music.

In Kehlani’s songs, there are many references to her being from Oakland and her struggles singing “on the street.” These little flashbacks to her life before the fame make her more relatable and authentic.

3. Stay true to your fans.

As you start to build a fan base, it is important to be honest with them so they remain loyal to your music. Some people believe that a person’s music and their personal life are separate entities, but that is not always the perspective of a fan. Why? Because the better your music is, the more fans care for you as a person. Kehlani has kept it real with her fans about her battle with depression and her suicide attempts. Instead of pretending that it never happened, she gave advice to her fans at a concert by reaching out to anyone who may be battling with depression.

Decide what you want to share with your fans. There are things you are entitled to keep private, but just remember: the more genuine you are, the more loyal your supporters will be.

It is important to stay modest and humble even when your music career is taking off. Not only does it make you a better person, staying humble will make you a musician people actually want to work with.

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Maria Kristina Lander is Bay Area born and raised. She loves napping with her dog and taking long walks to her favorite ramen place. One day she hopes to be a reporter that will not only give you information, but also perspective.

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