3 Kinds Of Videos That Get Trending

When it comes to social media, trending is the name of the game. YouTube’s new trending feature shows which videos are climbing the charts. By looking at the kind of videos getting views, you’ll get a better idea of the kind of videos you should be making.

Here are three kinds of videos that get trending.

1. Personal vlogs get your viewers invested in your content.

When Roman Atwood shared the story of his daughter’s birth, he brought his viewers along for the journey. The video reached the third spot on the trending page, and more than five million people helped celebrate the birth of Roman’s baby.

2. Stepping out of your comfort zone attracts attention.

The Try Guys are quite familiar with the trending page. In their latest adventure, almost a million viewers watched them attempt to learn ballet. Their bravery, mixed with their hesitation, got plenty of viewers laughing.

3. Funny stories have wide appeal.

Jacksfilms isn’t exactly a storytime vlogger, but when he got invited to a cartoon movie premiere, he couldn’t help but share the ridiculous news with his viewers. The crazy tale got almost a million and a half views.

In order to get a video trending, you have to think bigger. Sharing your life with the camera attracts an audience, and being larger-than-life keeps them invested.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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