3 Important Editing Tips to Remember

Editing footage correctly is key for creating a successful video. It can be intimidating at first. Editing software is equivalent to learning a new language. Once you get the hang of it, you can start to add edits like there is no tomorrow. It is important to stop and reflect. Will the edits make your video look aesthetically pleasing?

Here are three ways to avoid common editing mistakes.

1. Take it easy with jump cuts.

What exactly is a jump cut? It’s when a person is talking to a camera and immediately cuts to a new shot with the same person in a slightly different position. Many YouTubers use this method to remove long pauses, deep breathes or jumbled words. While it’s useful, too many jump cuts can make a video seem choppy. To avoid using a jump cut, re-record your dialogue footage until it is perfect. This will remove the need to edit out mistakes and your video will look more professional.

2. Stick to one or two transitions.

Transitions can add excitement and fluidity to a video. While they can be fun to play with, try your best to limit your transition use. Too many unnecessary transitions will distract the viewer from the content of your video.

3. Pay attention to audio.  

Audio gives the video life. After spending countless hours editing precious footage, there is nothing worse than playing audio that makes your project look off beat and messy. For beginners, it is always best to sync audio first, then edit accordingly. By doing this, you are able to make straight edits according to the beat of the song.

If you find yourself with out-of-sync audio and do not want to start all over, the video below is helpful for fixing it.

Video editing can be an extremely fun and creative hobby. When editing a YouTube video, be sure that the finished product flows smoothly and looks professional.

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Maria Kristina Lander is Bay Area born and raised. She loves napping with her dog and taking long walks to her favorite ramen place. One day she hopes to be a reporter that will not only give you information, but also perspective.

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