How to Use Contests to Court New Fans

At Promolta we know that people are suckers for free stuff, so we often mention the potential marketing of online contests and raffles. Here are some quick contest ideas and execution guidelines so you can create hype around your name and show potential fans how fun you are.

1) Create raffles that rely on fan submissions to qualify. For this contest you’ll need to spread the word around your social media accounts about an upcoming raffle. To enter fans will have to submit some kind of creation – a photo, song title, concert theme. After the deadline passes, bands will either randomly draw or choose a winner (depending on the contest type) and provide them with a prize like free tickets, merchandise, back stage passes, or a meet and greet with the band.

* In most states it’s illegal to conduct a pay for qualification raffle unless the organizer is a non-profit. To avoid legal troubles make sure fans qualify without paying.

2) Organize monthly scavenger hunt contests to engage fans and create a sense of community. Simply hide a symbolic item, a piece of merchandise or sentimental object, and post a hint online to give fans an idea of its whereabouts and what the prize will be. This contest, while engaging fans and creating chatter around your group, has the potential to become competitive if your hiding spots and prizes are good enough. Eventually fans will start creating search parties and talking trash to each other, all in the name of your music!

3) Use trivia and creative caption contests to keep fans entertained and engaged on your social media feeds. Prizes are best but not even necessary as these contests occur more frequently and on a smaller scale. They allow you to engage your fans and create a feeling of camaraderie and closeness between you. Questions should be challenging but realistic – don’t ask something so obscure that fans don’t bother answering.

Learn other techniques for engaging fans at


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