The Top 5 Mics for Your YouTube Channel

When you’re either making YouTube videos or producing music, having a quality mic is absolutely essential. There are two basic components to video and music production: the actual video, and the music/commentary behind it. Having clear and consistent sound improves the experience of your users significantly.

One purchase can turn your average music or video production into a channel that exudes quality and a professional feel. So here are a few of the best mics, which are perfect for game streaming, vlogging, or music production.

1. Blue Snowball

The Blue Snowball is probably one of the cheapest quality mics on the market. For only about $50, you get a great mix between performance and price. While this may be on the lower end for those looking to record music, it is perfect for basic home movies and commentary.

Another thing to remember is that this mic won’t be too portable, so vlogging could be limited. Ultimately, this mic is a steal, especially if you can find it on sale.

2. Miracle Sound Deluxe Lavalier

For those who prefer to stay mobile and either vlog or film on-the-go, this mic is a perfect match. In contrast to the Snowball, the Miracle Sound is a small, portable microphone that plugs into your smartphone via wire.

Anywhere you can bring your phone, you can bring this mic. At only $20 on Amazon, this is another great deal for all the vloggers out there.

3. MXL Tempo-KR Cardioid Condenser

While a little pricier than the previous two, MXL’s microphone is a fantastic option for those looking to improve their sound quality on game commentary. The Tempo-KR connects to either Macs or Windows with a 15ft USB cable.

Along with this, it will work perfectly on a desk or table without fear of it falling over due to the included tripod mount. For only $75, you can be recording your own live plays in crystal clear quality.

4. Sennheiser MKE 600 Shotgun Mic

For those looking for the absolute best, the Sennheiser MKE 600 is without a doubt top of the line. Coming in at $350 with accessories, this microphone has all sorts of features like “maximum attenuation of background noise” and a “low-cut filter for minimizing wind noise.”

This is the kind of equipment podcasters or movie producers will need to make sure their product is the best quality it can be.

Here is a review video of the MKE 600.

Making the purchase and getting a high-quality microphone can completely change your YouTube channel or music production. However, it is important to know what you need: mobility or stability, cost or quality. Look over these five, and do your own research. It will pay off for sure.

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Sean Harris is a writer in the midwest US who plans on majoring in computer science or physics at college. He enjoys listening to music, blogging, and reading.

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