Techniques To Make You A Better Songwriter

Good songwriters make the job look easy. Coming up with hits can be extremely challenging – especially if you’re starting to run dry on creativity. To give your brain a little boost, we’ve compiled a few tips every songwriter should try.

Sum Up Your Song In One Sentence

Having a focus keeps your writing on the right track. If you can’t narrow the point into one sentence, your song might be convoluted with ideas. Centering your lyrics around that focus will make for better songwriting.

Make A Pattern with Your Theme

Nothing’s catchier than a pattern. I don’t just mean having a verse followed by a hook and then a chorus. Ideas can fit a pattern too. For example, Katy Perry’s hit “Hot N Cold” plays with opposites in the following lyrics:

“you’re hot then you’re cold

you’re yes then you’re no

you’re in then you’re out

you’re up then you’re down”

Explaining how her lover always changes his mind is cleverly put with a statement and its opposite. The lyrics are thus catchy and memorable.

Remember: Your Audience Doesn’t Know You

Treating your audience like strangers will help you express ideas more clearly. If your lyrics are always up for interpretation or are too personal, it might be difficult to reach more listeners. Being relatable and expressing yourself doesn’t have to be two separate goals. Find the perfect blend between unique and universal.

Surprises Are Memorable

Yes, there are traditional methods to writing songs, but breaking rules once in a while can make for amazing music. If you put emphasis on words that aren’t normally stressed, your lyrics will be more memorable. Listeners will enjoy that extra something in your songs and anticipate it when they sing along.

Remember these tips the next time you want to up your songwriting game.

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Kathy Nguyen is a digital artist, aspiring entertainment professional, and lover of live music. You can find her tweeting her playlists, youtube-ing documentaries, and getting lost in your neighborhood.