Common PR Mistakes Musicians Should Avoid

You might be a skilled musician – but it takes more than quality songs to build a fan base. Start your band on the right foot by avoiding these common PR blunders.

Targeting The Wrong Places: Create a focus for your campaign. Hitting all the blogs might not be the best idea. Find the sites that are most likely to post your music genre and go from there.

Not Keeping Track Of Your Mentions: If your songs do get posted, or you’re mentioned in an article, make sure to follow up. Thank the writers and start building some connections. Remember, they’re doing you a favor and giving you free promo. Furthermore, keeping track will also help you monitor what’s working in your campaign.

Doing The Publicist’s Job: If you’ve hired a publicist, that means you want an expert’s help. Don’t side step them by releasing content or emailing blogs in their place. Communication is key here. No matter how tempting it is to do it your way, let them handle it. If you don’t like it, talk about it.

Flaking On Opportunities: If you’ve agreed to be interviewed or come to a station, be professional about it. Don’t show up late or decline their offer. You’re risking your career by being inconsiderate. Many people have a schedule so being a flake is nothing short of rude.

Hopefully you learned a little something from these horrible PR mistakes and can apply it to your next campaign.

If you’re interested to get your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans, click this link :

Kathy Nguyen is a digital artist, aspiring entertainment professional, and lover of live music. You can find her tweeting her playlists, youtube-ing documentaries, and getting lost in your neighborhood.

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