Easy Ways To Soundproof your Room

When you just start out, using a professional studio for practice sessions can be a luxury. There may not even be one in your hometown. The best option for musicians will often be setting up their own in-house studio. Unfortunately, being quiet and filtering out noisy streets or neighbors is the price you pay for a cheap studio. Or is it? Here are four DIY ways any beginner can soundproof their room.

1) Add Thick Fabrics and Foam

These will help absorb the vibrations of sound waves. You should add carpets/rugs to hardwood or tiled floor. You don’t have to cover up all your walls and ceiling with foam. Putting up window-sized, rectangular chunks of foam on your walls should suffice.

2) Add More Furniture

Bookcases and dressers will also absorb sound vibrations in the room. Concrete furniture especially works well because it’s so massive and porous. You can also add thick drapes over windows –this can reduce sound volume up to 10 decibels.

3) Block Crevices and Cracks

Fill any openings with foam, carpets, or by placing furniture in front. You should also apply an adhesive weather strip around your door and window frames. This can effectively decrease sound traveling to the outside by 10-20 decibels.

4) Add a Double Wall Layer

But only if you have money for the construction! A double layer to your wall will surely add more of a barrier for the sound waves, and therefore, increase noise reduction.

Get the clean, music production you want — without driving your neighbors insane!

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Michelle Nguyen is a creative writer whose passions include music, sports, health, and wellness. She loves playing drums and bass guitar, as well as swimming. If she indirectly helps you write the next “Stairway to Heaven,” she will be very happy.

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