How This Painter Uses Pop Culture To Create Popular Videos

MadeYewLook is a YouTube Channel that is on the rise. YouTuber Alexys Fleming, who created this account, loves to use makeup and body paint in creative ways. She is a self-taught body painter.

Here’s how she uses pop culture to create popular videos.

1. She recreated a popular character.

In the first image, Fleming created a feminine type of Superman. There are black lines to highlight the effects and give details to the picture. The second image is a kryptonite Superman. She has light blue hair also, and there is another version with green and leafy yellow leaves.

Go ahead and try imitating popular characters in your own videos. You can make parodies or write the character into an SNL-style comedy sketch.

2. She takes inspiration from her favorite books and movies.

Spiderman is one of Fleming’s favorite comic book characters. She created two separate styles of Spider-Man. The first version is the original version; the second one is a ghostly side of Spider-Man. She used colors of red, black, and blue to depict her own version of the superhero.

To make videos that you’re passionate about, make videos about what you love. Take inspiration from your favorite books or movies to make videos that your viewers will love.

3. She creates her own versions of pop culture icons.

Deadpool is a Marvel comic book character. Fleming created her own version of this character. The character is red and book. The character is a former operative of Special Forces, and he is a new Marvel character. Fleming’s Deadpool takes it one step further.

Rather than simply imitating what’s popular, take it and make it your own. There’s a reason that adaptations such as fan fiction and fan art are so well-loved.

As each of these videos go step-by-step in between the making of the body paint version of famous superheroes and comic figures, MadeYewLook appears to be quite the body paint artist. She is very versatile, entertaining, and witty. Get started and become more creative when incorporating pop culture into your videos.

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Julia Green is a young founder of her own organization, The Julia Green StandOut! Kingdom; she loves to write poetic songs, read religious books, and study biblical scripture in her spare time. She is a student at University of Missouri-St. Louis, majoring in English and Media Studies as she is an advocate of education.