What Musicians are Doing Wrong On Their Facebook Pages

Although most people with an internet connection have a Facebook account, not everyone has one dedicated to their career. If you’re a musician using a Facebook page as a promotional platform, the stakes are higher and there’s less room for error. Don’t let social media be your kryptonite. Here are some things to avoid while promoting your music online.

Posting too often – Little Facebook activity will do you no good. On the other hand,  when trying to make sure your music stays relevant to listeners, it’s important to practice some moderation. Posting too much will fill up the newsfeeds of your current followers to an excessive extent (even SPAM-like). Posting several times a day will make people less likely to follow you, and even unfollow you.

Posting unrelated things – The purpose of your musician’s page is to promote your music. Granted, posting what you’re up to aside from your musical pursuits is refreshing and gives your page more variety. However, veering into cute cat videos every hour is tangential and not what your followers followed you for. If you’re not somewhat on track – your followers are going to lose track.

Getting into fights in the comments section – As a musician, your priority is to be professional. Once you publicize yourself, it’s a given fact that not everyone is going to love your music. Some of them are going to be vocal about their dislike. This isn’t necessarily a reflection of your music; it’s a reflection of their bad internet habits. However, the worst thing you can do is to engage in a verbal altercation with someone on the internet. Not only will this lead nowhere positive, but it’ll also give you a bad reputation as an unprofessional person to work with.

A Facebook page can be a powerful promotional tool – if it’s used with a careful hand. Next time you make a post, use this list to make sure that you’re posting content the right way.

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Vivien Bui is a musician and writer. She enjoys going to concerts, writing at night, and sitting in a coffee shop with a good book.

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