How Musicians Can Master a Google+ Live Stream

People are naturally curious about the lives they cannot live, whether that be the life of a musician or a soccer player. This curiosity can be quelled when they get a look into those lives, and live streams are a great tool for that. Musicians can live stream award shows, band practice, or answers to questions to give fans a whole different view into their daily life. Here are a few tips to master the art of live streaming.

Make a Google+ Account

The best way to live stream something is to do it through Google+ Hangouts. It is free and works very similarly to Facebook in the way that one can invite friends, set up a time for the hang out, and post things for the world to see. The contingencies of making a live stream with Google+ Hangouts are that the musician needs to have:

  • YouTube account
  • Be in good standing with YouTube (no blocked content)
  • Google+ profile


Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

Live streams are not a place for disastrous mistakes, mainly because there is no time to edit the video that is live. This means that there should be a decent amount of preparation for the video. Come up with an agenda or at least a general idea of what is wanted out of this video. And be sure not to mention anything you might regret later. Knowing where the video will go will help make the best live stream possible. Some ideas are:

  • Band practice
  • Q & A
  • Award shows

Promote the Event

In order to get the best viewer results for the live stream, let people know it is happening. Google+ makes it easy for people to spread the word about a scheduled hangout. Tweet the time and date, mention it on Facebook and Instagram, and encourage friends to do the same. The greater the audience reached, the more people will fall in love with your music and sound, getting you more followers. It is best to set the Hangout two or three weeks in advance, in order to give fans ample time to clear their schedules.

Live Stream

The time has come to get in front of the camera live and do whatever it is you do best. Lights and camera should be in place and checked a few times before going on the air, to make sure the image is clear. The content and tools that are needed should be readily available for when you need them to shine. As the streaming starts, be conscious of language, content, and anything that you would normally edit out. There is no second take. The point of a live stream is to give fans a whole new and natural perspective into who you are. Relax and be flexible for anything that might throw a curveball throughout that time.

The next time you want to connect with fans, think of a live stream and how it does this instantaneously. Given proper preparation and great execution, a live stream can be a great promotional tool and a ton of fun!

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Megan Trainor spends her days doing crossword puzzles, reading the news and looking for new music to listen to. She is usually a sucker for guitar but appreciates songs with meaningful lyrics and a strong bass.

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