What Musicians Can Learn From Kanye West

Kanye West may very well be hip-hop’s most polarizing figure. He isn’t afraid to break the status quo, follow his dreams, and say whatever is on his mind – as was the case in his 2009 VMA incident with Taylor Swift. With six successful solo albums under his belt, Kanye has left his mark on hip-hop culture. However, his success didn’t happen by accident. Kanye worked hard, and slowly built his way to the top. Here are 5 things all musicians can learn from Kanye West.

Stand Out From The Crowd: A listen to Yeezus, Kanye’s sixth album,is the perfect example. With songs such as “New Slaves” and Kanye proclaiming that he was a god, Yeezus was as unique an album as they come. Ultimately, his individuality paid off as Yeezus was regarded as the best hip-hop album of the year by various publications, including Rolling Stones and Complex Magazine.

Don’t Limit Yourself To Just Music – Branch Out: Music. Sneakers. Clothing. Directing. Kanye has branched out to being more than just a musician, which has allowed him to reach a much broader audience.

Don’t Underestimate The Power of Social Media: Before his Adidas Yeezy Boost even released; sneakerheads were already highly anticipating its release. Why? It was all over social media. People were talking about it. The hype for the shoe was built way before it was even released.

Take Calculated Risks: In 2007, Kanye went head to head with 50 Cent, as they both decided to release their LP’s on the same day. It’s safe to say, Kanye won the war. His album Graduation outsold 50 Cent’s Curtis, by over 250,000 copies.

Criticism – Take It With A Grain Of Salt: “Now I could let these dream killers kill my self esteem, or use my arrogance as the steam to power my dreams” (Kanye West- Last Call). Need I say more?

Kanye’s uniqueness has allowed him to become a household name, and is now known for other reasons beside just music. Is he the best to ever do it? According to him, he is:

“I’m living in that 21st century, doing something mean to it. Do it better than anybody you ever seen do it” – Kanye West

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Luis Valle is an aspiring journalist. His passions include music, fashion, food, and collecting sneakers. He also enjoys traveling and exploring different parts of the world. The motto he lives by is this: “You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough”

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