How Musicians Can Break Through Writer’s Block

Musicians, or writers of any artistic medium, are extremely vulnerable to the dreaded writer’s block. Especially solo artists. That’s why it is a good idea to seek help with a few tricks to break through that wall. Here are some very creative ways to do so.

1. Keep a notebook on you always

You might be out with a friend, when all of a sudden you get a great idea for a verse in your latest song. WRITE IT DOWN. You will be glad you brought that notebook along. You can also use a notepad app on your phone.

2. Switch the chord progression backwards

Don’t really like the way your song sounds? Try reversing the order the chords are played. This simple hack isn’t always going to work, but it gets you to play around with the possibility of changing the song. Try different variations and see which sounds the best to you.

3. Write with a partner

Tired of doing it alone? Get one or two other people in on the song, preferably with other instruments, and see what you can come up with. If you are usually the main writer, maybe see what happens when you ask someone else to do it this time. This can alleviate the frustration of having to do everything. And you can learn a lot by watching another person.

4. Use a different instrument

If you play the guitar, get a keyboard or piano and write your next song on that instead. A new instrument will force you to make something completely different. Further, this fresh start can help you discover new talents.

5. Change the key

Make sure your songs vary in key. Switch it up. If you play the guitar, take a capo, and jump to a new fret. Try making a song in an unfamiliar place.

6. Change the time signature

This is very important but often overlooked. If every song you play has a different chord progression but in the same time signature, your inspiration will dry up real fast. You won’t be tapping into a new place emotionally, or lyrically, because it will all sound the same.

7. Use incredibly off-the-wall or exotic instruments

Have you ever tried to pick apart every instrument used in some of the most complex Radiohead songs? Some really odd instruments go into making their albums, and it’s probably safe to say that experimentation helped them write new tracks. So follow your curiosity. Ultimately, experimenting with exotic instruments may uncover a side of yourself you never knew existed.

These are just a few ways to experiment. Making music shouldn’t have to feel painful or frustrating. Make progress in producing a sound you like. Employing some of these tactics can help pry free some inspiration inside you may be looking for. Good luck!

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Mike DiGirolamo has had a strong interest in music from a young age, playing both the cello and trombone. Outside of music he has a love for movies, theatre, and environmental science.

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