Establishing Music Identity With a Killer Biography

When someone tells you they love Coldplay, or they’re favorite song is Let it Go, you’re gonna have an opinion about them. Fact: opinions on musical genres apply to their listeners as well. This is because, music is all about identity; when people say they “don’t listen to music” they’re shedding light on their identity as well. As an artist, how you frame your musical identity affects the amounts and types of people who check out your music.

A biography is the perfect way to convey musical identity to a potential listener.

Take these bios for instance.

“We are rock and rash rejects with a nasty vibe of out of control intensity.”

“The official Twitter page for the adventurous girl group, Marble and the Banshees. Channeling idiosyncratic pop music fused with latin grooves since 2012.”

These two examples are unique descriptions that give the readers an idea of each groups personality. They’re original and concise without giving away the whole act. To find out any more, readers will just have to give a listen to your music.

Now check out these not-so-inspired bios:

“Indie group from the UK”

This is the most common type of bio seen on artist pages. It doesn’t differentiate your music in any way – you might as well be Radiohead.

“We make an exciting new sound that challenges the rock genre at every turn.”

While this is better than the, “indie group from the UK”, nobody wants to be told how “exciting” your music is. Anyone can learn that on their own. Avoid talking about what your music does the same and instead emphasize any unique qualities. These rules extend to personal descriptions as well.

“Born from the bowels of Detroit, our lead guitarist has been shredding guitar chords and smashing windows since grade school.”

This is the perfect bio for a punk rock guitarist who has problems with authority.

“I am a singer and songwriter from Toronto, inspired by the vastness of the world and the beauty of the stars. My days are spent searching for meaning and making meaning into music”.

A prime bio for any singer/songwriter/vocalist trying to make it in the alternative pop music universe.

Always intrigue the reader enough to click play, but make sure you can back up your claims as well. Find something interesting about yourself and emphasize it. The greats like Kanye West, Taylor Swift, Jay Z and nearly every chart-topping artist are masters at this.

Remember: Interesting and exaggerated is more impactful than truthful and boring.

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